I imagine a scene where Muller couldn’t take Gagnon’s big brother act any more. Always saving him, ever knowing what was best, being right all the time, and forever digging him out of a hole with his damned arm around Muller's shoulder. Always that damned arm around the shoulder. Muller just wanted to feel like the captain of his ship for once, for his wife and kids to look up to him and not the man who had saved them and continued to save them. He just wanted to feel like the man that he knew he was, and not the one people saw; have his voice heard and to be in charge - just for one Goddamned time.
So when Gagnon disagreed with him about the direction of the band, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Muller just flipped, losing it all in a world of frenzy. Losing control at the very moment when he thought he had found it. Maybe he didn’t mean to kill him? Each hit or each stab tore out a chapter of pain from an autobiography with endless chapters. Muller was finally finding that sense of power, if only fleetingly, as he looked down at what he had done. Looking down at the only person who had ever helped him, as the power that he finally found - to take Gagnon’s life - drained away from him and the old Raymond Muller returned.
The police believe that after Muller murdered Gagnon, he indeed just said fuck it, dismembering Gagnon’s body and dumping it in boxes on the sidewalk, outside of the studio where the murder took place. Garbage trucks picked up the boxes and took them away to be dumped. There were no jaunts up mountains for Muller, no sprinkling of quicklime or depositing Gagnon’s body into deep dug holes or rivers; there was just the sidewalk.
Muller didn’t have to be smart, he just needed to know when it was garbage collection day.
But maybe he shouldn’t have been so lazy and cleaned up the studio a bit more. A simple spray of Luminol and an ultraviolet light revealed it all - the botched cleaning job, with its streaks and splatters of blood, which he thought were gone, but they were always there all the time. Or perhaps Muller just forgot to empty the hoover bag with Gagnon’s teeth still in it? If ever there was one, of course. Who knows? I don’t; I just watch too many episodes of Fatal Vows.